Hello, My name is Zak Frederick
I am co-captain of a local gaming group. We play tabletop games, board games and the like. We are hosting our second ever event in early February. It is a competition and we expect around 40 players to come battle it out.
Our last and first ever event raised $1210 for the Chesapeake Bay Land Conservancy. We would like the proceeds of this events raffles to benefit CBEC. My wife is a teacher at Grasonville elementary, and my mother a teacher at Matapeake Middle. Both have spoken highly of your organization and the programs offered. I am writing to let you know of our intentions for the fundraising raffle and ask if there is anything the CBEC organization would like for us to do, say, or display at our event.
Thank you
Zak Frederick
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Hello, My name is Zak Frederick
I am co-captain of a local gaming group. We play tabletop games, board games and the like. We are hosting our second ever event in early February. It is a competition and we expect around 40 players to come battle it out.
Our last and first ever event raised $1210 for the Chesapeake Bay Land Conservancy. We would like the proceeds of this events raffles to benefit CBEC. My wife is a teacher at Grasonville elementary, and my mother a teacher at Matapeake Middle. Both have spoken highly of your organization and the programs offered. I am writing to let you know of our intentions for the fundraising raffle and ask if there is anything the CBEC organization would like for us to do, say, or display at our event.
Thank you
Zak Frederick