This program fosters healthy eating habits in young children as they plant, harvest, play, and learn in CBEC’s food garden.

  • Garden visits and chores
  • Games, stories, and songs
  • Learning activities

Every session, there will be garden visits and chores, exploration, games, stories, songs, learning activities, and free play. Participants are ages 2 through 5 and accompanied by an adult.

$12/session/child for CBEC members
$15/session/child for non-members

The first Tuesday from March to November, 10:00 to 11:15 am:

  • March 4: Plant It! Grow It! Eat It! An overview of the growing season ahead; planting the first crops of the year
  • April 1: Worms are a Garden’s Friends. Creating healthy soil for a vibrant garden; compost and more planting
  • May 6: It All Begins With A Seed. The life cycle of the plants that give us food; we’re still planting before it gets too hot
  • June 3: Pollination Nation. Bees, butterflies, beautiful flowers; let’s plant some flowers for our pollinating friends
  • July 1: Pick, Pull, Harvest. Time to enjoy those early season crops; let’s water, weed and look for pests to keep our garden happy when it’s hot outside
  • August 5: We Eat With All Our Senses. See, smell, touch, hear and taste what the garden has to offer
  • September 2: A New Garden Season Begins. Cleaning up the garden after the summer heat and planting late season veggies
  • October 7: Pumpkins and Gourds and Squash, Oh My! The colors and shapes and flavors of fall
  • November 4: It’s Finally Time to Rest. What happens in the garden when it gets cold? How do the trees help our garden?

Sample Little Sprouts activities and learning objectives:

  • Math: counting, comparison, measuring, weighing, sequencing, charting, addition, shapes
  • Language Arts: letters, vocabulary, simple words, storytelling, tracing writing, matching
  • Art: color, art appreciation, painting, tracing, construction, collage, crafts, song, poetry
  • Science: healthy eating, plant parts, weather, nutrition, food preparation.