Bird School for Young Birders
CBEC has scheduled a Bird School for children 6-10 years old. The sessions will be both indoors and in the field, so dressing for the weather is important. The Bird School is limited to 10 children for maximum opportunities of seeing birds and individual attention to the field work, crafts and activities. If your child is interested in birds, this is an ideal experience to increase their curiosity, learn about birds and have fun engaging in the activities. CBEC will provide binoculars, bird guides, journals and any equipment and materials needed in the classes. Professional bird instructors will work with the children. The cost is $125 for members and $150 for non-members. It is required that children attend all three days for cumulative benefit. If interested email for more details and/or questions.
by ACTIVE Network
Dec. 28- 9:00-12 noon.
Raptor Day
Learn how to handle and feed our educational birds. Pellet Dissection and Craft. Identification of birds of prey. Journaling with photos and drawings. Related bird of prey activities.
Dec. 29- 9:00-12 noon.
Backyard Birds
Learn to identify 15 local birds by their field marks. Learn how to use binoculars and record bird behavior. Journaling with photos and drawings. Backyard bird feeders and feeding winter bird residents. Craft and games on identifying birds. Learn to keep track of birds you see. Making of a bird video.
Dec 30- 9:00-12 noon.
Winter Waterfowl and Marsh Birds
Learn to identify 8 species of waterfowl and 2 marsh birds. Learn how to use a spotting scope. Journaling with photos and drawings. Feather Project. Craft and Game. Learn how birds keep warm in the winter and w
Dates for School Year 2021-2022
December 28-30 – Bird School for Young Birds!