As most of you know the “big green pavilion” overlooking the lake is the main hub for most of our educational program activities at CBEC. The current pavilion was built in the mid-1990’s and is heavily used spring through fall by school groups and for event rentals. Over the years fire, mold damage and Mother Nature in general have taken its’ toll on the structure. As we continue to make improvements to the CBEC property and grow our educational & recreational programs it was only befitting that our next endeavor was to replace the existing pavilion with one that could be used year-round by all visitors.
Some of the features of the new pavilion will include a: 30×60 teaching space with picnic tables; porch with seating; functional fireplace; full pantry w/storage and restrooms. We intend to construct the pavilion with as many “green & eco-friendly” materials as possible in keeping with our sustainability mission. We also plan on having this building fitted to be a “net-zero” facility by incorporating solar and/or wind power.
At this time we are excited to officially launch our Lakeside Pavilion Capital Campaign and we need your help! We have a lofty goal of raising $350,000 and breaking ground in the fall of 2017…but we are confident that those of you have who been to the site know that we are in desperate need of getting this structure done. We’d like to thank the companies who have already pledged labor and/or materials to making this project a reality: Steven Kahle Architects of Annapolis, Reedy Electrical of Ellicott City and Increte of Maryland from Crofton.
If you or your business would like to make a contribution please visit the Lakeside Pavilion Campaign page at or send a check to CBEC PO Box 519, Grasonville, MD 21638 and mark “Pavilion” on the check. If you would like to donate materials, labor or for large donations and naming rights please email Vicki Paulas directly at for more details. Stay tuned for more pavilion updates over the next few months.
Remember good things are happening at CBEC because of members and supporters like YOU!